The day 30 pic of my #100happydays is a picture of me with my dear friend Kelly. We have a little inside joke with her name – but it goes back like 25 years or even longer, which is when I first met her.
The sitcom “Cheers” was airing back then (in it’s original form – not the reruns) and the Woody Harrelson character had a girlfriend named Kelly. Harrelson would sing/spell her name and had this goofy song that was “K-E-L-L-Y, etc. etc.” My husband and I had just seen that episode, thought it hilariously stupid and that weekend, we went to visit my husband’s friend in Dallas. The friend introduced us to his girlfriend, Kelly, and my husband/then boyfriend, burst into song with “hello K-E-L-L-Y!” She cracked up and the rest is history.
Besides being a good sport about my husband’s terrible singing, this gal has been the greatest friend possible since then. We got married, she and her boyfriend got married, they moved all over, we moved all over, – but through it all we remained very close.
She (and her husband) are the greatest travel companions and we have made some fabulous trips together. Actually, her entire family makes me happy – her precious husband and children are wonderful as well. Love these people!!
She and her family have just moved once again and it was a happy move for them. They finally got to choose where they want to live for the long term; they have moved to Austin and are exploring everything and loving it! I miss her so much, but know that my K-E-L-L-Y will always be a great friend!
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